Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Philippine Native Trees for the Garden and for Landscaping

There has been an increased used of Philippine Native Tree species in the landscaping of streets, urban parks and also in reforestation.  This is due to the popular use of native species instead of the exotic introduced tree species.  Some of the species used nowadays are the following:

Narra - Pterocarpus indicus -- The Philippines' national tree.

Banaba - Lagerstroemia speciosa

Palawan Cherry - Cassia x Palawan Cherry

Almaciga - Aganthis philippinensis

Amamali - Leea philippinensis

Apitong - Dipterocarpus grandiflorus


Bagras - Eucalyptus deglupta

Bangkoro / Noni  - Morinda citrifolia

Dalung - Phylocladus hypophyllus

Dao - Dracontomelon dao

Dita - Alstonia scholaris

Igem - Dacrycarpus imbricatus

Kahoy Dalaga - Mussaenda philippica

Katmon - Dillenia philippinensis
Lipote  -  Syzygium curranii

Malabulak - Bombax ceiba

Malakatmon - Dillena luzoniensis


Mangkono - Xanthostemon verdugonianus

Putat - Barringtonia racemosa

Rarang - Erythrina sububrans

Dapdap - Erythrina variegata

Salingbobog / Balai Lamok - Crataeva religiosa

Supa - Sindora supa

Philippine native trees are nowadays encouraged for urban tree landscapes, in Parking lots and and for reforestation as it is a natural flora, they attract birds, butterflies and they are easy to grow, maintain and adapt, and most of all non-invasive.


Beautiful Philippine Native Trees that can Rival the Japanese Peach Blossom

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