Narra - Pterocarpus indicus -- The Philippines' national tree.
Banaba - Lagerstroemia speciosa
Palawan Cherry - Cassia x Palawan Cherry
Almaciga - Aganthis philippinensis
Amamali - Leea philippinensis
Apitong - Dipterocarpus grandiflorus
Bagras - Eucalyptus deglupta
Bangkoro / Noni - Morinda citrifolia
Dalung - Phylocladus hypophyllus
Dao - Dracontomelon dao
Dita - Alstonia scholaris
Igem - Dacrycarpus imbricatus
Kahoy Dalaga - Mussaenda philippica
Katmon - Dillenia philippinensis
Lipote - Syzygium curranii
Malabulak - Bombax ceiba
Malakatmon - Dillena luzoniensis
Mangkono - Xanthostemon verdugonianus
Putat - Barringtonia racemosa
Rarang - Erythrina sububrans
Dapdap - Erythrina variegata
Salingbobog / Balai Lamok - Crataeva religiosa
Supa - Sindora supa
Philippine native trees are nowadays encouraged for urban tree landscapes, in Parking lots and and for reforestation as it is a natural flora, they attract birds, butterflies and they are easy to grow, maintain and adapt, and most of all non-invasive.
Beautiful Philippine Native Trees that can Rival the Japanese Peach Blossom
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